Volunteer Opportunities

The active participation of parents is critical to the success of Entheos Academy. 

Parents who choose to place their children in a charter school understand the huge benefits that their interest and involvement in the education of their child creates. As part of the decision to place your child at Entheos Academy, we encourage parents to volunteer their time throughout the school year. 

There are several opportunities for parents to provide service at Entheos Academy


Parent Crew Organizations

Serve on one of the following Crews: Service Learning Crew, Appreciation Crew, Values Crew, Clothing Exchange Crew, Box Top Crew or Literacy Crew. See below for more details.


Adventure Trip

Help chaperone Adventure trips for middle school students.



Help chaperone and supervise on or off-campus Discovery classes.



Assist with a multitude of opportunities such as reading with students, class parties, field trips, etc. Contact your child’s teacher through their email to help..



Assist with traffic flow and street crossings.


Service Learning

Help identify, chaperone and assist with service learning opportunities.



After-School Tutoring


Books & Breakfast

Read to children during breakfast time, with 7:30am – 8:15am daily opportunities. Only available on Kearns Campus,

Parent Crew Organizations

 PCO Crew Goals

PCO aims to encourage parental support and participation, engage parents as real partners and provide meaningful opportunities to involve parents in accomplishing the mission of Entheos. 

There is no fee to join the Entheos PCO- the only requirement is the desire to help! 

If you are a parent that is not able to come to school to help (maybe you have little ones with you or work during the day), joining a PCO Crew that has responsibilities that can be done from home is a perfect way to volunteer!

Being on a PCO Crew

As a crew member, each parent will come up with ideas on how to make the crew fun and productive. 

Some crews are active all year round and some at certain times of the school year. 

Just because you sign up on a crew, does not mean you can’t help with another crew!


Service Learning Crew

  • Assist with service days and opportunities throughout the year
  • Organize parents to come in and mentor 6th grade students with their service learning projects


Appreciation Crew

  • Plan and carry out Teacher Appreciation week
  • Meals for staff during student led conferences 
  • Other appreciation opportunities 
  • Teacher Birthdays


Values Crew

  • Plan and carry out contest to help promote and support each of the school’s values
  • Decorate a school bulletin board with the value of the month
  • Create flyers about the value of the month
  • Help create social media posts about the value of the month


Clothing Exchange Crew

  • Assist with service days and opportunities throughout the year
  • Organize parents to come in and mentor 6th grade students with their service learning projects


Box Top Crew

  • Arrange for Box Top drives at school
  • Collect and redeem Box Tops for items that benefit the schools


Literacy Crew

  • Help plan and put on a Literacy Night for the school
  • Work with librarian to help with Scholastic Book Fairs
  • Help with other activities such as Dr. Seuss Day, to promote literacy

How to Track Your Volunteer Hours

Please log your volunteer hours as you get them in your Compass account!