Entheos Reflection Trip

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8th (Magna Campus)


Fillmore, Utah

  • Social Studies


Students will be able to reflect on their experience at Entheos Academy and practice learning strategies to help prepare them for high school. They will be given opportunities to strengthen their relationships through historical games and other activities. Students will also provide service at the Territorial Statehouse State Park. 

  • Utah Territorial Statehouse

  • Fillmore recreation center

Additional Activities
  • Historical activities: cabin building, bread making, pioneer games, candle making

  • Leadership & sports activities

  • Hot Seat (peer compliment circle)

Please note: Aspects of the adventure trips are subject to weather, adequate number of volunteers, availability of locations/experts and other factors outside of the control of Entheos and may be subject to change. Changes may also be made by Entheos staff to increase the educational value of the trip.