Building Better Communities

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7th (Kearns & Magna Campus)


Arches National Park

  • CTE & Social Studies (Kearns)

  • CTE & Language Arts (Magna)


Students will be able to explore and learn new things about Utah history and growth, and how tourism and the glory days/decline of mining and the railroad have affected the economy and strength of our small towns. Students will have the opportunity to camp, visit a museum, meet with experts, hike to unique locations, and build relationships with other peers. 

  • Helper Railroad and Mining Museum 

  • Hikes: Windows Arch, Double Arch, Delicate Arch 

  • Local Moab expert discussion about area decline and regrowth through advertising and land use

Additional Activities
  • As students sit under Double Arch, a teacher leads them in a discussion of how we need to stop from time to time and reflect on the beauty and positive things that surround us. Turning off flashlights and taking time to sit and think in the quiet, with the starry sky peeking through above the arches, students learn that Solitude and Reflection can help develop character traits such as respect, gratitude, and excellence. 

  • Field journal

  • Crew

  • Talent Show

Please note: Aspects of the adventure trips are subject to weather, adequate number of volunteers, availability of locations/experts and other factors outside of the control of Entheos and may be subject to change. Changes may also be made by Entheos staff to increase the educational value of the trip.